Monday, October 24, 2011

Old Pot Update

I have a hard time throwing out ceramics. Maybe it's from all my years of taking it in high school and seeing how much knuckle-drying work goes into creating form from clay, whatever the reason, I have a huge load of mismatched vases and urns and pots and pitchers.

                      I decided to turn that load into a collection.

Here's the inspiraton from a fantastic day shopping with the girls at Crate and Barrel:

I painted my ceramics one unifying color-- white.

I'll spare you the tutorial, but the quick version is get out a paint brush and some paint.

   xxx Jen


  1. LOVE it! P.S. Your dining room frigin rocks... OH MY GOSH it is so pretty!

  2. I love your dinning room! What an awesome space!

  3. Love the red and white together and the rustic feel of the DR.

  4. Sorry forgot to ask when the book is due out and if you can tell me the title? Don't know if you are under a gag order or somethin' from the publishing house!

  5. I'll wait to hear from you then! Good luck and don't get discouraged. There is a reason why it needs to wait and it will become clear when all falls into place.


Please talk to me-- imagine what a big smile I'll have!