Thursday, May 10, 2012

Being Fun

  I don't know why it can be so hard for me to quit working, but it is.  There, I said it.  I love working, I love getting things finished, I love crossing off the to-do list and I love making things prettier.  What I have a hard time switching on is my fun mode.
  Today I was fun.  When the kids got home I scooped up their backpacks and handed them nerfguns and we charged around the yard until we were exhausted. I'm inside now, making dinner, but I just heard my oldest tell her friend that this was the best day ever.  That's success. 
   A way better success than having a perfectly styled wall.

Above is the note my husband is going to find when he pulls into the garage. Just an eerily quiet feel to the place and this note. And of course the least accurate gun.


Please talk to me-- imagine what a big smile I'll have!