Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Silver Dinosaurs (and other ways to live with boy toys)

Silver T-Rex

If your son is anything like mine, he loves creating and collecting.  And he loves bones and rocks and blood and gore and I've just gotta say, that our ideas for style in his room don't always jive.
He's been building these skeletons - balsam wood kits from local craft store- over the past few months and really wanted to display them. I hit them with some silver spray paint and tied some string to them and hung them from his ceiling-- and hip hip hooray! that color change saved them from extinction.

His stellated dodechahedron got a silver leafing, too.

 Above is solution to his love of maps.  who am I kidding, I'm the one who loves maps. and dinosaurs, too.

1 comment:

Please talk to me-- imagine what a big smile I'll have!